Recommended episode: Web Software Architecture Extravaganza

August 26, 2019

I recently started listening to the Friday Afternoon Deploy podcast and have been enjoying it.

It’s a weekly podcast where some of the developers at Lofty Labs let off steam on a Friday afternoon by recording a conversation about whatever comes up. They tend to focus on python web development, JavaScript, related topics, as well as random topics from food, pop culture, and some Fayetteville, Arkansas happenings.

It’s about what you’d expect from a bunch of web developers sitting around and chatting, full of strong opinions and geeky jokes.

In particular, I wanted to share with you the most recent episode, Web Software Architecture Extravaganza.

It covers more web development ground than the normal episode and covers good usages for different technologies, including:

  • Kubernetes
  • microservices
  • monolith web applications
  • Progressive web apps

For those who’d like to know, very occasional adult language is used, roughly at a PG to PG-13 variety.

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